School Information

Who may enroll?

Columbus Adventist Academy extends a warm invitation to any student who is interested in obtaining a Christian education in a Seventh-day Adventist environment. We are committed to educating children through a curriculum and activities that are based upon and are faithful to the Bible. Children may enter kindergarten if they are five years old by September 30.

Is kindergarten at CAA a full-day or a half-day program?

The Columbus Adventist Academy kindergarten program is a full-day program. There are many benefits for children to experience a full-day program, including spiritual, social, and academic development, which enhances their school experience.

What grades are included in each classroom?

Students are in single-grade classrooms for every grade for K through Grade 8. Class sizes range between 12 and 24 students.

What are school hours?

Monday-Friday Drop off is from 8:30am-8:45am (school begins at 8:45am)
Monday-Friday Pick up is from 3:45pm-4:00pm (school ends at 3:45pm)

Are before- and/or after-school care available?

Extended Care is available for students whose parents need to drop them off early and/or cannot pick them up at the close of regular school hours.

  • Before school, Extended Care is from 7:30 A.M.–8:30 A.M., Monday through Friday.
  • After school, Extended Care is from 4:00 P.M.–6:00 P.M., Monday through Thursday. On Fridays, Extended Care is from 2:45 P.M.–5:00 P.M.

Extended Care is managed by a separate provider, and payment must be negotiated with that provider. Information is available from the school secretary.

How will I know if school has been cancelled due to bad weather?

All families will receive a phone call and/or a text message using One Call Now. Additionally, CAA follows Columbus City School closings for inclement weather. These notices are on network television as well as radio. If there is a need to close school early due to a power outage or some other emergency, the alert process will be the same.

Is hot lunch included with tuition?

No, the cost of lunch is not included in students’ tuition. Because CAA participates in the National School Lunch Program, students may bring lunch from home or order nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches each school day.

Is transportation provided?

Yes, bus service is available through the Columbus City Schools.

Can I visit my child's classroom?

Absolutely; we welcome visiting parents. You may call the office at (614) 471-2083 to set up a convenient time for a visit. Involved parents really make a difference, and we love seeing you at CAA. We ask that you please report to the office when you arrive at the building. We will give you a visitor’s welcome badge and help you with the layout of our school.

Do you have technology in your school?

Yes, technology is integrated with classroom learning through the use of iPads, laptops, ELMOS, and interactive whiteboards.

Are all teaching staff credentialed?

Teachers are certified by the State of Ohio and The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists K-12 Board of Education. Many of the teachers also have advanced degrees.

Is Columbus Adventist Academy accredited?

Columbus Adventist Academy is accredited by the following organizations.

In addition, CAA is a chartered nonpublic school in the state of Ohio. A chartered nonpublic school is a private school that holds a valid charter issued by the state board of education and maintains compliance with the Operating Standards for Ohio’s Schools.

How does Columbus Adventist Academy compare with other schools in regard to tests scores and educational progress?

CAA has been in operation since 2002 with positive results. Most of our students do well on standardized tests, and our test scores measure favorably against other Ohio schools of our size. Moreover, our competitive curriculum has produced teachers, nurses, artists, doctors, and other professionals.

Financial Information

Is financial assistance available?

Click on this link to learn about the independent sources of financial aid that may be available for your family.

When is tuition due?

Tuition is based on the current school year fees and is payable in ten equal monthly installments beginning in August.

Health & Safety

How are allergies and health conditions handled?

Columbus Adventist Academy takes student health seriously. We have a nurse from
Columbus City Schools who is available at our building twice a week. The nurse helps to
manage immunizations, health screenings, allergies, health conditions, and any
medication needs. Our teachers and staff take precautionary measures to ensure a safe
and clean environment for your student. Our school does not serve common allergens
such as tree nuts or shellfish.

Are background checks performed on teachers and staff members?

Yes, all personnel at CAA have had a background check as a basis for employment.

What safety measures are in place at CAA?

All exterior doors to the building are kept locked during the school day, and cameras monitor the main doors and classrooms. CAA makes provisions for adequate student accident coverage. We are required to conduct regular fire, tornado, and other emergency drills in accordance with local and state laws. Regular safety inspections of all school facilities and properties are conducted.

All teachers and staff have been trained in first aid and CPR.