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Transforming lives through Christ-Centered Evangelism, Empowerment, and Excellence

Columbus Adventist Academy was founded with a goal of bringing quality Christian education to our community.

Here are a few of the reasons that our school is unique.



Biblical Principles

are taught through daily worship and classroom study, leading toward a goal of character development

Teaching Staff

includes licensed educators, many with advanced degrees, who receive ongoing professional development

High Academic Standards

are based on the Common Core and those of the largest Protestant school system in the world

Small Teacher/Student Ratio

allows our caring teachers to truly focus on their students and their success

Modern Technology

is intentionally integrated throughout the curriculum

Physical Fitness

is emphasized through PE classes and our athletic program, which includes basketball, volleyball, soccer, and running.

What Parents Say

“My daughter has only attended CAA for two weeks now, but she comes home happy every day and is eager to go to school every morning. She has never cared for school so that means a lot to me.”

-Parent of a 2nd grader


What Students Say

“I like my teacher and the way she thinks. I like the principal and the way she smiles.”



Visit our home church, the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church